Cooja Simulator Contiki is an open source operating system for sensor networks and other networked embedded devices. Contiki supports features like uIP stack (IPv6, RPL, 6LoWPAN), HTTP/CoAP, power profiling and others. It also contains a Cooja network simulator specifically designed for Wireless Sensor Networks. You can set up Contiki with VMware or Virtual-box . Instant Contiki Virtual-Box VMware For VMware:- Install VMware and extract Instant Contiki and start. For VirtualBox:- use this tutorial for virtual box setup Instant Contiki VirtualBox Tutorial Cooja Relevant Directories in Contiki Contiki/tools/Cooja Type following Command to Run Cooja ant run It will open a Cooja blue window Create New Cooja Simulation Select Option File-> New Simulation Radio Mediums present in Cooja Unit Disk Graph Radio Medium UDGM ...
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