Touch Sensor with Arduino With Following tutorial, you will be able to use Arduino digital input and output pins. To replicate exact results of this tutorial you will be required following 1. Arduino Uno 2. Capacitive Touch sensor Buy Now 3. Small 3V DC Toy Motor For Arduino Buy Now Procedure: Connect Arduino Uno to PC for power and programming Connect Touch sensor's VCC pin to Arduino 3.3V output pin. Connect Touch Sensor's GND pin to any of Arduino ground pin. Connect Touch Sensor's SIG input to any digital input of Arduino pin (1-13) I am connecting to digital pin 3 Connect DC motor one leg to Digital Pin 13 and another leg to ground. Program Arduino with the following sketch. #define TOUCH 3 //the touch sensor is connected to D3 int DCMOTOR = 13; // pin for the DC motor. void setup() { pinMode(DCMOTOR, OUTPUT); pinMode(TOUCH, INPUT); } void ...
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